
幼儿园英语童话剧剧本《在他鞋里的盐》Salt in his shoes


Salt in his shoes (在他鞋里的盐)人物: 迈克尔乔丹, 哥哥, 对手马克, 爸爸, 妈妈场景: 球场, 家(厨房)Michael Jordon loved to play basketball when he was young. He always followed his brother to the basketball court. Because he was quite short, he was often picked on by a bigger boy, whose name was Mark.迈克尔乔丹在幼年时就热爱打篮球.他总是跟着他哥哥一起去球场打球.因为个头矮小,他经常被一个叫马克的大男孩捉弄.Mark: What’s the matter? Too short?马克: 怎么了? 个头太矮了吧? Mark ran the ball quickly here and there and shot it into the net, the game was soon over.马克带球快速地奔跑并准确地将球投进篮中,比赛很快就结束了.Michael: If I were taller, that would not happen.迈克尔: 如果我再高些,结果一定不会是这样.Brother: You played very well today. Don’t worry. We’ll win next time.哥哥: 你今天已经打得很好了.不要担心.我们下次会赢的.Michael went home and saw his mum cooking in the kitchen. He sat there quietly for a minute and then asked.迈克尔回到家,看见他妈妈正在厨房里做饭.他安静地坐了一会儿然后问到.Michael : Mum , how can I grow taller?迈克尔: 妈妈,我怎么样才能长高呢?Mum: Salt . Put some salt in your shoes!妈妈: 盐.在你鞋里放一些盐!Michael : Salt?迈克尔: 盐?Mum: Yes, you put salt in your shoes and say a prayer every day and then you’ll grow taller.妈妈: 是的,在你鞋里放盐,并且每天祈祷,那样你就会长高了.Michael didn’t understand how salt could make him grow taller. So he sat there and tried to work it out by looking. Looking at the trees and the flowers growing taller every day in the garden , Michael said to himself, “If mum can make the trees and flowers grow taller, she should also be able to make me grow taller. Maybe she is right.”迈克尔不理解为什么盐会自己长高.所以他仍坐在那儿并试图通过观察得到答案.他看着花园里的树和花儿,它们每天都在长高,迈克尔对自己说:如果妈妈能让树和花长高,她应该也能让我长高.也许她的回答是对的.Michael : Mum ,how long will it take?迈克尔: 妈妈,长高需要多久呢?Mum : If you want it to work , you should have patience and say a prayer every night . Now go and wash up . Your brother and sister are ready for dinner.妈妈:如果你想长高的话,你应该有耐心而且每天晚上都要祈祷.现在去洗手吧.你兄妹已经准备好吃晚饭了.Michael sat at the table but didn’t eat anything. Dad saw Michael was eating nothing and said.迈克尔坐在桌旁但是却没有吃任何东西.爸爸看见了说到.Dad: First things first . You should eat some vegetables. They will do you a lot of good.爸爸: 重要的事情先来. 你应该吃一些蔬菜.这对你很有好处.After dinner, Michael quickly took a shower, said a prayer and went to sleep. After that , Michael always wore his favorite shoes and said a prayer. Two months passed , Michael still didn’t grow an inch. He felt very sad. His Dad came to talk to him .晚饭过后,迈克尔迅速地洗了澡,准备睡觉.然后,迈克尔一直穿着他最喜爱的鞋子祈祷着.两个月过去了,迈克尔一英寸都没有长.他感到很伤心.爸爸来和他交谈.Dad: What’s wrong, Michael ?爸爸: 怎么了,迈克尔?Michael : Nothing’s wrong. I just want to grow taller quickly.迈克尔: 没什么.我只是想迅速地长高.Dad: Why do you want to be taller?爸爸: 你为什么想长高呢?Michael : I can play basketball . And I don’t want to lose the game .迈克尔: 那样我就能打篮球,并且不想输掉比赛.Dad: Being taller can help you play , but determination can help you play better. If you go on practicing and playing, you are sure to win.爸爸: 长高能帮助你更好地打球,但是决心比那更有用.如果你继续练习打球,你肯定会赢的.On hearing these words, Michael quickly jumped up. His father didn’t understand and asked.听爸爸这么一说,迈克尔迅速地向上跳了起来.爸爸不能理解地问到.来自99剧本网www.99juben.com。Dad: Where are you going, Michael?爸爸: 你要去哪儿,迈克尔?Michael: I’ve got a game.迈克尔: 我得到答案了.The game was almost over and it was a close tie. Then one player got hurt and couldn’t play and more. It was Michael’s chance.比赛接近结束,结局仍未见分晓.一个参赛者受伤了,不能再继续比赛.这是迈克尔的机会.Michael : I’ll do it .迈克尔:我能做到.Mark : Hey, Michael , you want to play? You’ll lose again. You’re too short.马克: 喂,迈克尔,你想打吗?你一定会又输的.你太矮了.Michael didn’t listen to what he said and went on playing basketball. He carried the ball here and there, ran a few steps and shot the ball into the basket. Michael’s team won the game .迈克尔没有理他,继续打球.他来回运球,并灌篮成功。迈克尔队赢了比赛。Michael : I did it . I did it . I shot the ball into the net!迈克尔:我做到了。我做到了。我进球了!Everybody was very happy. From that day, mum stopped putting salt in Michael’s shoes, but Michael didn’t stop working hard and he prayed every night. In the end he grew to be a 6.6-inch-tall basketball player.每一个人都很开心。从那天起,妈妈不再将盐放进迈克尔的鞋里,但是迈克尔没有停止努力练习并且仍然每天晚上祈祷。最后他成为了一名6.6英寸高的篮球运动员。

