Dogs are goofy. Everyone knows that, compared to cats, they are about as graceful as a hippo on ice. But while they may be clumsy idiots at times, they are are adorable!
We here at Bored Panda have compiled a list of dogs doing really dumb things, and they are just hilarious. We know they dont mean to be bad, theres not a shred of malice in them, and thats why we cant possibly stay mad at them!
国外一家网站(Bored Panda)就总结了网友们发过的自家蠢萌狗子的趣事。我们都知道它们做这些“蠢事”的本意并不坏,所以我们才没有因此而生气发火~好了,话不多说,快来看看吧~
1. 这绝对是纯种二哈
I Regret Everything
2. 狗子以为阳台的门是关着的
Dog Thinks Terrace Door Is Closed
3. 狗子跑丢了,我在外面找了好久,失望而归,回家后看见这货在这样...
My Dog Ran Away, After Hours Of Looking I Came Home To This
4. 朋友家狗子的小伙伴把洒水器从“狗洞”中拽了进来
Friend Of A Friends Pooch Dragged The Sprinkler In Through The Doggy Door
5. 我家狗子这样喝水
Water Can Be Tricky
6. 快看!本狗子也阔以哒!
Hey, Guys, Me Too!
7. 这只狗子的好盆友是个砖头
His Best Friend Is A Brick
8. 我家狗子把自己的玩具都弄到镜子前,想和镜子里的狗子一起玩
She Brought All Her Toys Over So The Mirror Doggy Could Play With Them
9. 这就是我家的寻回犬
Shes A Retriever, Not A Genius
10. 我家狗子以为要排队才能有吃的
He Thinks He Has To Wait In Line To Get A Treat
11. 我家狗子不知怎的就打开了楼上的纱门,还和猫上了屋顶。然后现在不敢回去了...
Somehow Our Dog Opened The Upstairs Screen Door And Ended Up Following Our Cat Onto The Roof. He Required Consoling Before Coming Back Inside
12. 浴室里惊现一只海豹
Found A Loose Seal In My Bathroom
13. 其中一只狗子一定帮我“割”了草
Its Hard To Tell But One Of My Dogs Helped Mow The Lawn
14. “老喵呢?肿么不见了?”
Where Is The Cat?
15. 很会捉迷藏的狗子
Well Hidden This One