
​ 雅思口语话题分析以及高分素材分享:搞笑电影,其实说到电影,同学们应该素材是比较多的,毕竟现在的喜剧电影是很多的,大家也是比较常看的,这里我们就一起来看看有关电影话题分析以及高分素材吧,大家赶紧收藏起来吧!  

Describe a film that made you laugh

  You should say:

  What it is

  When you watched it

  Who you watched it with

  And explain why it made you laugh



  What it is


  When you watched it


  Who you watched it with


  And explain why it made you laugh




  A film that made me laugh is actually quite an old film now. I watched it in my dorm at university with my classmates in my first year. It really sticks in my mind because it was the first

time I’d seen it and there was a really fun and communal atmosphere in the dorm. The film is called “Crazy Stone” – it’s a sort of gangster movie directed by Ning Hao, and set in

Henan. I think it came out in 2006. Anyway, we all loved the film. It’s even more amusing because the gangsters, or thieves, who steal the precious stone have a really strong Henan

accent, which is both endearing and amusing. Also, something which is common in Chinese humour in films, they slip into various Cantonese idioms and expressions, which makes it even

more funny. Anyway, there are actually about two groups of thieves, if I remember correctly, who are basically competing to steal and keep this incredibly expensive, priceless, jade stone.

I couldn’t stop laughing throughout the whole film, because they keep failing in their attempts all the time, in amusing and entertaining ways. In some regards, the comedy is a bit

slap-stick, and this appeals to my sense of humour a lot. Like I said, the atmosphere in our dorm was really good at the time too, and the whole dorm was full of students, all pulling their

chairs in and sitting on the beds around the TV screen, as we drank some beers, ate some snacks and watched the film. We watched it twice, in fact, two nights in a row, and talked about it a lot afterwards, quoting some of the great lines in the film and repeating them throughout the week after. It was a great memory and a brilliant film. I’d certainly recommended it to anyone, and for those who have seen it before, I’d strongly recommend they watch it again. I think a lot of the latest Chinese films are not that good to be honest, either they’re

heroic war films or copies of Hollywood-style movies. I do think that the Chinese films about five or ten years ago, and even before, are a lot better and have a stronger and more amusing

Chinese flavor to them.


  thrillers 惊悚片

  science fiction 科幻片

  comedies 喜剧片

  romantic comedies/romcoms 浪漫喜剧片

  westerns 西部片

  costume dramas 古装剧

  horror 恐怖片

  animated film 动画片

  action 动作片

  historical 历史片

  swordsmen film 武侠片

  detective film 侦探片

  ethical film 伦理片

  musical 音乐电影

  chick-flick 女性电影

  blockbuster 大片

  independent (indie) film 独立电影

  action-packed 动作戏足

  special effects 特效

  tear-jerker 催泪弹

  emotional roller-coaster 情感起伏大

  soundtrack 电影原声

  scenery 景色

