IT之家12月18日消息 有中国开发者上传的文言文編程語言项目已经在GitHub上摘得了5500星,你可知如何用文言文输出“Hello World”?吾有一言。曰「「問天地好在。」」。書之。
据悉,该文言文编程语言来自CMU本科生Huang Lingdong。可编译成Javascript,也可编译成Python,亦有线上编辑器 (IDE) 可直接运行。
夫唐、虞之世,結繩而足治,屈指而足算。是時豈料百代之後,計算機械之巧,精於公輸之木鳶,善於武侯之流馬;程式語言之多,繁若《天官》之星宿,奇勝《山經》之走獸。鼠、蟹、鑽、魚,或以速稱。蛇、象、駱、犀,各爭文采。方知鬼之所以夜哭,天之所以雨粟。然以文言編程者 ,似所未有。此誠非文脈之所以傳,文心之所以保。嗟予小子,遂有斯志。然則數寸之烏絲猶覆於頭,萬卷之素書未破於手;一身長羁于远邦,兩耳久旷于雅言。然夫文章者吾之所宿好,程式者偶承時人之謬譽。故希孟不慚年少,莊生不望無涯。乃作斯言。誠未能嘔瀝長吉之心血,亦庶幾免於義山之流沫。既成之後,復學干將鑄劍而自飼,越王嚐糞而當先。自謂偶追《十書》之筆意,但恨少八家之淋漓。此子山所謂士衡抚掌而甘心,平子見陋而固宜。然則雖實覆甕之質,尚存斧正之望;雖乏呂相之金,易字之渴蓋同。此亦開源之大義,吾輩之所以勉勵也。一笑。
An NLP sharing the grammar of Classical Chinese
Compiles to JavaScript or Python
Turing complete
An online IDE
Examples to get started
InstallationThe Compiler
Clone the repo, (OR simply download ./build/wenyan.js and set its executable bit using the terminal command chmod x wenyan.js). Then run ./build/wenyan.js to compile your wenyan souce code to target language. Calling the compiler without arguments prints the help message, reproduced below:
Usage: wenyan [options] [input files] Options: --eval -e <string> : Give a string instead of a file (default: `) --exec -x <boolean> : Execute output (default: `false) --inspect -i <boolean> : Interactive REPL (default: `false) --lang -l <string> : Language: js/py (default: `js) --log <string> : Log file (default: `/dev/null) --output -o <string> : Output file (default: `/dev/stdout) --roman -r <boolean> : Romanize identifiers (default: `true)
Try building the included examples first, e.g.:
./build/wenyan.js examples/helloworld.wy -o helloworld.js
Building platform-specific binaries
Clone the repo
npm install
npm run make_cmdline
The macOS, Windows and Linux binaries will be in the ./build folder.
Syntax Cheatsheet
A context-free grammar description is under construction. Meanwhile, please check the cheatsheet below, or look into src/parser.js to learn about the syntax. Be sure to check out the examples from the online IDE too!