Having cabin fever is something that’s totally curable – or at least a symptom we can keep at bay for a while. It’s all about finding ways to allow for and support your child with self-directed open ended play.
本周EDUCA HOME要为0-3岁宝宝推荐的宅家游戏是感官袋绘画,让我们和宝宝们一起DIY起来吧!
The experience we are going to recommend this week for children 0-3 years of age is Sensory Bag Painting, let’s DIY together!
继续关注我们,更多0-3岁的经典创意游戏等着你哦。EDUCA HOME陪各位宝爸宝妈打造高质量陪伴,让这个特殊的宅家时光过得更有意义~
EDUCA HOME is here to provide educational play ideas for parents to prepare for their children during this time at home due to coronavirus. Stay safe and stay tuned for more EDUCA HOME play ideas that you can do in your home~