1.call on sb ; pay a visit访问或拜访某人,下面我们就来说一说关于中考必背英语动词?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

1.call on sb ; pay a visit访问或拜访某人
Do look me up next time you are in town.下次进城请一定来看我。
I must look up Uncle George.Ive heard hes in bed with arthritis.我应该去看看乔治叔叔,听说他因关节炎卧床不起了。
2.search for in a dictionary,a reference book, etc.查阅字典或参考书等
Can you look up the time of the next train to Beijing?你能查一查下一趟去北京的火车时间吗?
Ill look it up in the encyclopaedia.我将在百科全书中查阅它。
If you dont know the meaning of a word, look it up in the dictionary.如果你不懂一个词的意思,就查一查词典。
He is looking a name up in the telePhone directory.他在电话簿里找一个人的名字。
3. rise in price上涨
The price of goods is looking up.物价正在上涨。
4.be improving;promise more success好转;渐有起色;进步
The weather is looking up at last.天气终于好起来了。
Share prices are looking up again!So is business.股票行情又见涨!生意也有了起色。
The first year was tough, but business looked up after that.头一年很困难,但后来生意就兴旺起来了。
5.raise eyes仰望
She looked up and saw me.她抬头看见了我。
6.seek and find寻找
While he was in Chicago Henry looked up a friend of college days.亨利在芝加哥时,寻找一位大学时代的朋友。
If I had known you were in the office building, I would have looked you up.如果知道你在办公楼里,我就来找你了。