
重庆宠物医院提醒B1C — Dogs and Cats Nutrition Needs 犬猫的营养需求 Dogs and cats need several different kinds of nutrients to survive: amino acids from proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. The tables in this pamphlet provide recommended daily allowances for dietary nutrients based on the minimum amount required to maintain good health in normal dogs. 犬猫生存需要几种不同类型的营养成分,这包括:氨基酸、蛋白质、脂肪酸和碳水化合物、维生素、矿物质,和水下表根据正常犬保持健康的最低营养需求,下面我们就来聊聊关于犬猫的特殊营养需求?接下来我们就一起去了解一下吧!




B1C — Dogs and Cats Nutrition Needs 犬猫的营养需求 Dogs and cats need several different kinds of nutrients to survive: amino acids from proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. The tables in this pamphlet provide recommended daily allowances for dietary nutrients based on the minimum amount required to maintain good health in normal dogs. 犬猫生存需要几种不同类型的营养成分,这包括:氨基酸、蛋白质、脂肪酸和碳水化合物、维生素、矿物质,和水。下表根据正常犬保持健康的最低营养需求


1. Clean Water 干净的饮水 This is the most vital of all. Cat and dog can go for quite some time without food in its belly, but it can not do without water. Without water, your dog is at risk for dehydration, overheating, which can lead to heatstroke and a number of other serious conditions. And by serious, I do mean deadly. This is not to be taken lightly. An adult dog is made up of nearly 60% water and a puppy 80%, so you must have a bowl of fresh, clean water available at all times.



的疾病。更有甚者会致死。这不能掉以轻心。成年犬身体含有将近 60%的水和而小狗含有 80%,所以你必须为其随时提供有一碗新鲜,干净的水。

2. Proteins and amino acids 蛋白质和氨基酸 (1)DOG 犬

Dogs cannot survive without protein in their diets. Dietary protein contains 10 specific amino acids that dogs cannot make on their own. Known as essential amino acids, they provide the building blocks for many important biologically active compounds and proteins. In addition, they donate the carbon chains needed to make glucose for energy. 狗的饮食中若没有蛋白质,其将无法生存。膳食蛋白质中含有狗不能自身合成的 10种特殊氨基酸。称之为必须氨基酸,它们为许

多重要的生物活性化合物和蛋白质合成提供原料。此外,他们为碳链制造能量物质葡萄糖提供碳源。 (2)CAT 猫 As carnivorous animals, cats derive most of their protein from meat, fish, and other animal

products. Some animal-based protein is easier to digest than plant-based protein and is better suited to the cats digestive system. 作为肉食动物,猫丰富的蛋白质是来自肉,鱼,和其他动物产品。一些动物源性蛋白比植物源性蛋白更适合于猫的消化系统。

Deficiencies of single essential amino acids can lead to serious health problems. Arginine, for example, is critical to the removal of ammonia from the body through urine. Without sufficient arginine in the diet, cats may suffer from a toxic buildup of ammonia in the bloodstream. Although not the case for dogs, the amino acid taurine is a dietary essential for cats. Taurine deficiency in cats causes a host of metabolic and clinical problems, including feline central retinal degeneration and blindness, deafness, cardiomyopathy and heart failure, inadequate immune response, poor neonatal growth, reproductive failure, and congenital defects. Found abundantly in many fish, birds, and small rodents, taurine is either absent or present only in trace amounts in plants. Strict vegetarian diets are not appropriate for cats unless supplemented with nutrients essential for cats that are not found in plants。








Cat and dogs daily recommended allowances for protein and fats 犬猫膳食中蛋白质和脂肪的每日推荐量

Dogs 犬 Puppies 幼犬 (Weighing 12 lb, 33 lb at maturity) 重 12 英镑,成熟时 33 英镑

Adult dogs 成年犬 (Weighing 33 lb) 重 33 英镑

Pregnant/nursing dogs 怀孕犬/哺乳期犬 (Weighing 33 lb , with 6 puppies) 重 33 英镑,有 6 只幼犬

Crude Protein 粗蛋白

56g 25g 69g/158 g

Total Fat 总脂肪

21g 14g 29g /67g

猫 Cats Kittens 幼猫 Weighing 1.8lb 重 1.8 英镑

Adult cat 成年猫 Weighing 9 lb 重 9 英镑 Consuming 250 Calories消耗 250 卡能量

Nursing cats 哺乳期猫 Weighing 9 lb with 4 kittens 重9 英镑有 4 只小猫

Crude Protein 粗蛋白

10 g 12.5 g 41 g

Total Fat 总脂肪

21g 14g 29g /67g

3. Fats and fatty acids 脂肪和脂肪酸

(1)DOG 犬 Dietary fats, mainly derived from animal fats and the seed oils of various plants, provide the most concentrated source of energy in the diet. They supply essential fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in the body and serve as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins. Fatty acids play a role in cell structure and function. Food fats tend to enhance the taste and texture of the dogs food as well. Essential fatty acids are necessary to keep your dogs skin and coat healthy. Puppies fed ultra low-fat diets develop dry, coarse hair and skin lesions that become increasingly vulnerable to infections. Deficiencies in the so-called "omega-3" family of essential fatty acids may be associated with vision problems and impaired learning ability. Another family of essential fatty acids called "omega-6" has been shown to have important physiologic effects in the body.








越来越容易感染。当缺乏所谓的 ω- 3 家族的必需脂肪酸时,可能与影响视力和认知能力有关。另


(2)CAT 猫

The maximum amount of fat in the cats diet can be reasonably high without any nown adverse effects. In many cat foods, 50% or more of the energy comes from it. Studies indicate that cat

foods containing even higher amounts of fat are safe. At a minimum, cat foods should have a fat content of about 9% of dry matter. Essential fatty acids are necessary to keep your cats skin and coat health。猫食物中的脂肪最高含量在相当大的时候仍没有已知的副作用。猫有健康的皮肤和被毛少不了必需脂肪酸。对于大多数猫来说,有超过 50%的能量来源于脂肪。研究表明,猫粮中即使含更高的脂肪也是安全的。猫粮中的脂肪至少应该占干物质量的 9%。

4. Carbohydrates 碳水化合物

(1)DOG 犬 Carbohydrates give your dog energy and keep the intestines functioning properly. Oftentimes, when trying to get a dog to lose weight, higher doses of carbs in the form of fiber are added to the diet because it helps to make your pooch feel full longer. Commercial dog foods usually contain corn as their source, but the trend has been moving toward adding rice instead. This is especially good for dogs that are known to be allergic to certain grains. 碳水化合物为犬提供能量并在胃肠道保持正常功能中发挥一定的作用。通常情况下,试图给宠物减肥时,需要让其食物中纤维类的碳水化合物含量更高,因为这可以让他们更易产生饱感。玉米



合,因为已发现犬会对某些玉米过敏。 PS:How much carbohydrates does

your dog need? 你的狗需要多上碳水化合物呢?

When it comes to carbs, a good rule of thumb is that they make up about 50% of your dogs diet. 对于碳水化合物来说,凭经验,其在食物中的比例应该在 50%以上。

(2)CAT 猫 All animals have a metabolic requirement for glucose. Carnivores, such as the cat, convert glucogenic amino acids and glycerol to glucose for the maintenance of blood glucose, and therefore, have no established dietary requirement for carbohydrates. 所有的动物的新陈代谢都需要葡萄糖。猫这样的食肉动物能够将糖源性氨基酸和甘油转化为葡萄糖以维持其血糖水平,因此,


5. Vitamins 维生素 (1)DOG 犬

It never ceases to amaze me just how much like people our dogs really are! And just like us, they need vitamins as part of their daily nutritional requirements. Much like minerals, a balanced dog food will contain what your dog needs.狗从未停止过为我们带来惊喜,到底狗和人有多少相似之处!和我们一样,他们需要维他命为他们的日常营养需求的一部分。就像矿物质,均衡的狗粮会包含你

的狗需要的这些微量又重要的东西。 (2)CAT 猫

Cats can not synthesize some vitamins from precursors (pre-vitamin structures) in the diet. 猫不能将食物中的某些维生素前体合成供自己使用的维生素。For example, they must get all of the vitamin A and niacin they need directly from the food they eat. 如,他们需要的所有维生素 A 以及烟酸只能从摄入的食物中直接获得。Deficiencies in vitamin A can adversely affect the health of the eyes. 维

生素 A 的缺乏将明显影响眼睛的健康。Adult cats deprived of niacin in the diet will lose weight and may die as a result. 若食物中没有烟酸,这会导致成年猫体重降低甚或死亡。The diets fed to many cats, especially canned food containing fat-laden fish products, make them more susceptible to deficiencies of certain vitamins, such as vitamin E. 某些种类的食物尤其是含有脂肪的鱼类罐头食品更容易缺乏一些维生素,尤其是维生素 E。Vitamin E, an antioxidant, provides protection against oxidative damage. 维生素 E 是一类抗氧化剂,具有抗氧化作用。Some vitamins are not only essential in small doses, but are also toxic in excess amounts. 维生素对动物来说小剂量会有用,而超剂量时便会带来毒副作用。Too much vitamin A, a natural consequence of feeding large amounts of liver to growing kittens, can cause hypervitaminosis A, a condition cause bone disorders. 对于正在长身体的小猫来说,自然情况下食喂大量的肝脏后会在体内积累大量的维生素A,从而导致维生素 A 中毒,继发骨骼疾病。

Dog and cats daily recommended allowances for vitamins and there functions


Functions 功能

Daily Recommended allowance 日推荐量

Dog 犬 Cat 猫 Vitamin A Vision; growth; immune function; fetal development; cellular

differentiation;transmembrane protein transfer 对视力、生长、免疫功能、胎儿的发育、细胞分化,以及跨膜蛋白的转运。

379 μg 63 μg

Vitamin D Maintenance of mineral status; phosphorous balance 参与维持体内矿物质的含量,以及磷的代谢平衡

3.4 μg 0.4 μg

Vitamin E Defense against oxidative damage 抗氧化作用

8 mg 2.5 mg

Vitamin K Activation of clotting factors, bone proteins, and other proteins. 激活凝血因子,参与骨蛋白和其他蛋白的合成

0.41 mg 82 μg

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)硫胺素

Energy and carbohydrate metabolism; activation of ion channels in neural tissue 参与能量代谢和碳水化合物代谢,激活神经组织的离子通道

0.56 mg 0.33 mg

Riboflavin 核黄素


Enzyme functions 发挥酶的功能 1.3 mg 0.27 mg

Vitamin B6 Glucose generation; red blood cell function; niacin synthesis; nervous system function; immune response; hormone regulation; gene activation 葡萄糖,红细胞制造,烟酸合成,神经系统作用,免疫应答,


0.4 mg 0.16 mg

Niacin Enzyme functions 酶功能 4 mg 2.5 mg

Pantothenic Acid (泛酸,维生


Energy metabolism 能量代谢 4 mg 0.4 mg

Vitamin B12 Enzyme functions 酶功能 9 μg 1.4 μg

Folic Acid 叶酸

Amino acid and nucleotide metabolism; mitochondrial protein synthesis参与氨基酸和核酸代谢以及线粒体蛋白质合成

68 μg 47 μg

Choline胆碱 Phospholipid cell membrane component 磷脂细胞膜的组成成分

425 mg -

PS:g = grams; mg = milligrams; μg = micrograms

6. Minerals 矿物质 DOG and CAT 犬和猫 Twelve minerals in the table are known to be essential nutrients for dogs and cats. Calcium and phosphorus are crucial to strong bones and teeth. they need magnesium, potassium, and sodium for nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and cell signaling. Many minerals that are present only in minute amounts in the body, including selenium, copper, and molybdenum, act as helpers in a wide variety of enzymatic

reactions. They can get too much or too little of a specific mineral in their diets, which would do harm to their health. 表中有 12 种已知的矿物质营养成分是犬猫必不可少的。钙和磷是形成坚硬的骨骼和牙齿不可缺少的






Dog and cats daily recommended allowances for minerals 犬猫膳食中矿物质的日推荐量及其功能

Functions 功能

Daily recommended allowance 日推荐量Dog Cat

Calcium 钙

Formation of bones and teeth; blood coagulation; nerve impulse transmission; muscle contraction; cell signaling 参与骨骼和牙齿的构建、血液凝固、神经冲动的传递、肌肉收缩、


0.75 g 0.18 g

Phosphorus 磷

Skeletal structure; DNA and RNA structure; energy metabolism; locomotion; acid-base balance 参与肌肉的构建、DNA和RNA的构建、能量代谢、运动、以及调节酸碱平衡。

0.75 g 0.16 g

Magnesium 镁

Enzyme functions; muscle and nerve-cell membrane stability; hormone secretion and function; mineral structure of bones and teeth 发挥酶的作用、维持肌肉神经细胞膜的稳定性、影响荷尔蒙的分泌及功能、参与骨骼和牙齿的构建。

150 mg 25 mg

Sodium 钠

Acid-base balance; regulation of osmotic pressure; nerve impulse generation and transmission

100 mg 42 mg


Potassium 钾

Acid-base balance; nerver impulse transmission; enzymatic reactions; transport functions 调节酸碱平衡、参与神经冲动的传递、参与酶促反应、具有运输功能

1 g 0.33 g

Chlorine 氯

Acid-base balance; transfer of extracellular fluids across cell membranes 调节酸碱平衡,影响细胞外液的跨膜流动。

150 mg 60 mg

Iron 铁 Synthesis of blood components; energy metabolism 参与血液的形成以及能量代谢

7.5 mg 5 mg

Copper 铜

Connective tissue formation; iron metabolism; blood cell formation; melanin pigment formation; myelin formation; defense against oxid生成,ative damage 参与结缔组织的形成、铁的代谢、血细胞生成、黑色素的生成,


1.5 mg 0.3 mg

Zinc 锌

Enzyme reactions; cell replication; protein and carbohydrate metabolism; skin function; wound healing 参与酶促反应、细胞复制、蛋白质和碳水化合物代谢,影响皮肤


15 mg 4.6 mg

Manganese 锰

Enzyme functions; bone development; neurological function 参与酶促反应、骨的发育并影响神经系统功能

1.2 mg 0.3 mg

Selenium 硒

Defense against oxidative damage; immune response 具有抗氧化损伤作用、参与免疫反应

90 μg 19 μg

Iodine 碘

Thyroid hormone synthesis; cell differentiation; growth and development of puppies;regulation of metabolic rate 参与甲状腺激素的合成、影响细胞的分化和幼犬的发育和成长,


220 μg 88 μg

