Potato 土豆Boil the potatoes and mash them. 煮好马铃薯然后捣成泥,我来为大家科普一下关于常用蔬菜英语单词大全100个?以下内容希望对你有帮助!

Potato 土豆
Boil the potatoes and mash them. 煮好马铃薯然后捣成泥
Sweet potato 红薯,红苕
Could you put the sweet potatoes in the oven? 你能把地瓜放进烤箱吗?
Yam 山药,番薯
Chinese yam, Japanese yam
Carrot 胡萝卜
Carrots are good for you.
Onion 洋葱
Cut the onion into small pieces. 把洋葱切碎
Mushroom 蘑菇
Shiitake mushroom 香菇,花菇
Dried mushroom 干香菇
Enoki mushroom 金针菇
Bell pepper 甜椒
Green bell pepper 青椒
Red bell pepper
Yellow pepper
Eggplant 茄子
Slice the eggplant into rounds. 把茄子设成圆片
Corn 玉米,玉米粒
Sweet corn 甜玉米
Waxy corn 糯玉米
Add a can of corn 加一罐玉米
Add some canned corn 加一些罐头玉米
Garlic 大蒜
A bulb of garlic, a head of garlic 一球蒜头
A clove of garlic, a garlic clove 一瓣蒜
For this recipe, you need two cloves of garlic. 按照这个食谱,你需要两瓣蒜
Green garlic 蒜苗,青蒜
Spring garlic 蒜苗
Green garlic can be eaten raw or cooked. 青蒜可以生吃也可以煮熟吃
Scallion 大葱
Green onion 大葱
I love eating scallion pancakes. 我喜欢吃葱油饼
Chive 小葱
Chinese chive 韭菜
Garlic chive 韭菜
Chili 辣椒
Red chili 红辣椒
Green chili 青辣椒
Chili powder 辣椒粉
Chili sauce 辣椒酱
ginger 姜
Put some ginger on the fish before steaming it. 蒸鱼前先放些姜在上面
Cilantro 香菜
Some people dont like cilantro.
Celery 芹菜
People can eat celery raw or cooked.
Broccoli 西蓝花
The nutritional value of broccoli is high. 西蓝花的营养价值很高
Cauliflower 花菜
Cauliflower is a winter vegetable. 花菜是一种冬季蔬菜
asparagus 芦笋
Snap the asparagus in half 把芦笋折成两段
Bamboo shoot 竹笋
Bamboo sprout 竹笋
Dried bamboo shoot 干笋
Radish 小萝卜(红皮白心)
Radishes can be eaten raw in salads. 小萝卜可以放在沙拉中生吃
Chinese radish 白萝卜
Peel the Chinese radish before you cook it. 煮萝卜前先去皮
Cucumber 黄瓜
Japanese cucumber 黄瓜
Put the chopped cucumber into the salad. 把切好的黄瓜加到沙拉里。
Pumpkin 南瓜(圆形)
Bake the pumpkin in the oven for an hour.
Squash 南瓜(多种形状的)
This fried squash is new to the menu. 这炸南瓜是菜单上的新品
White gourd / winter melon 冬瓜
Bitter gourd / bitter melon 苦瓜
Sponge gourd 丝瓜
Zucchini 西葫芦
The fried zucchini is great too.
Turnip 大头菜
Look for turnips with smooth skin. 挑选表皮光滑的大头菜
Kohlrabi 球茎甘蓝
Smaller kohlrabi tends to taste sweeter. 较小的接头菜往往味道也较甜
Lotus root 莲藕
Lotus root is widely used in Asian cuisine. 莲藕广泛用于亚洲料理
Taro 芋头
Taro can be steamed, boiled, baked, and braised. 芋头可以用蒸的,煮的,烤的和炖的。
Spinach 菠菜
Water spinach 空心菜
Add spinach and mushrooms, then saute them for two minutes. 加入菠菜和蘑菇,然后快炒两分钟
Artichoke 洋蕲
Artichoke are packed with powerful nutrients. 洋蕲富含强大的营养成分
Beet 甜菜
Beetroot 甜菜根
Lettuce 生菜,莴笋
Rinse off the lettuce and pat it dry. 把生菜用水冲干净再拍干
Arugula 芝麻菜
Arugula is used in salads. 芝麻菜被用在沙拉上
Alfalfa sprout 豆芽
Alfalfa sprout are rich in fiber, low in fat, and rich in protein. 豆芽高纤维低脂肪,富含蛋白质
Watercress 西洋菜,豆瓣菜
Watercress is used in salads and sandwiches. 西洋菜被用在沙拉与三明治上。
Sprout 豆芽
Bean sprouts 豆芽
Soybean sprouts 黄豆芽
Mung bean sprouts 绿豆芽
Brussels sprout 球芽甘蓝
Brussels sprouts taste bitter. 球芽甘蓝尝起来有苦味
Cabbage 莲花白,卷心菜,甘蓝
Slice the cabbage in half vertically. 将莲花白垂直切成两半
Chinese cabbage 大白菜,味菜
How do you prepare Chinese cabbages? 你要怎么处理大白菜
Kale 羽衣甘蓝
Various nutrients in kale may support heart health. 羽衣甘蓝中的各种营养素能支持心脏健康
Kelp 海带
Kelp is packed with vitamins and minerals. 海带富含维生素和矿物质
Laver 紫菜
After boiled, add celery and laver. 煮开后加入芹菜和紫菜
Pea/green pea 豌豆
Please buy some green peas. 请买些豌豆
Green bean 四季豆
Saute the green bean for five minutes. 炒四季豆五分钟
Kidney bean 云豆,腰豆
Kidney beans are a low-fat source of protein. 腰豆是一种低脂肪的蛋白质来源
Lima bean 白云豆
Simmer the lima bean for one hour. 炖白云豆一小时