Jordan Olson
Jordan主要致力于合成流程,探索工作流程,深度学习和人机界面。 他于2015年开始在Weta Digital工作,并参与过许多电影的合成流程,包括韩延的《动物世界》(Animal World),《死侍》(Deadpool),《猩球崛起3:终极之战》(War for the Planet of the Apes),《阿丽塔:战斗天使》(Alita Battle Angel)以及即将上映的电影《阿凡达》(Avatar)续集等。
他在十一岁时就发现了3D动画和视觉效果效果,并开始对照明和渲染他自己的创作作品感兴趣。 之后,他获得了新西兰Lifeway学院的高级动画学位,并开始了他在流程开发方面的职业生涯。 他的工作遍及国际,从新西兰,美国到加拿大都有他的脚步。
Jordan的利基是与Nuke合作,作为合成流程主管-主要为自动化任务和构建流程的python脚本,还有利用C 为Nuke编写操作符,而PyQt4(或Qt)用于构建流程工具的接口。
通过开发有效的合成流程,我们减少了完成工作所需的合成位置数量。 高效的工具使我们艺术家的工作更轻松!在他的第一份工作中,除了立体摄影和合成内部IP之外,他还全权负责在现有流程中构建立体功能。
CGX Studio: Who are you?
CGX Studio: 请简单介绍一下你自己
Jordan Olson: Hi, My name is Jordan Olson, I work as a Compositing Pipeline Technical Director at Weta Digital here in Wellington, New Zealand.I was born in Canada but I have spent most of my life working outside of the country around the pacific, the places like Vancouver, Oakland, Wellington.
Jordan Olson:大家好,我叫Jordan Olson。我现在在新西兰惠灵顿维塔数码工作室工作,担任合成流程技术总监。我出生在加拿大,但是我人生的绝大多数时间都在太平洋周边的国家工作,如温哥华、奥克兰、惠灵顿。
CGX Studio: What kind of job do you do?
CGX Studio: 你的工作主要是在做什么?
Jordan Olson: As a compositing Pipeline Technical Director I solve problems in production. I do research and development for new work flows. I make sure that the artists are in put work efficiently smoothly. Basically automate tasks, so the artists spend more time working on creative tasks rather than pushing buttons and doing right work.
Jordan Olson:作为一名合成流程技术总监,我负责解决在电影制作过程中的问题。我为新的工作流程做一些研究和开发,以确保艺术家们能够有效的顺利的完成工作。基本上都是自动化方面的人物,这样艺术家们就能花费更多的时间来进行创造性的任务,而不仅仅是按下按钮完成正确的工作。
CGX Studio: Why do you choose this topic?
CGX Studio: 你为什么会选择去教授这项技术?
Jordan Olson: So I have been teaching Nuke for about seven years now. Just for a little bit on the set and I found that the process of teaching stretches me to match to my course better and teaching more effective with. So that is why I bring Nuke course today.
Jordan Olson:到现在我已经教Nuke大约七年了。就是为了电影中这一点点的部分,而且我发现,在教学过程中我能够更好地与我的专业相匹配,并且教学更有效率。所以这就是我教授这门技术的原因。
CGX Studio: Where is this subject technology used?
CGX Studio: 这门技术学科将来可以在哪里用到它?
Jordan Olson: Nuke’s toolsets are most commonly used in big budget visual effect and animation and TV series. But there are many opportunities to use these toolsets other areas such as Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, illustration, multimedia and even engineering.
Jordan Olson: Nuke的工具组通常情况下应用于大预算的视觉效果、动画和电视剧。但是,在别的领域同样有许多的机会用到这些工具组,比如VR、AR、插图、多媒体,甚至是工程领域。
CGX Studio: What skills will I have upon completing this course?
CGX Studio: 学会了这门技术后,大家将会掌握哪些技能?
Jordan Olson: So at the end of this course you have better understanding of the particle nodes in Nuke and how they work. You will be coding in, bring together node toolsets which you can then take with you and reuse. And you also have a deep understanding of how Nuke works on the technique level and how to establish nodes.
Jordan Olson: 学会了这门技术之后,你可以会更好的了解Nuke中的粒子节点及其工作原理。你将会编码,汇集节点工具集,然后你可以将它们随身携带重复利用。并且还会深入了解Nuke如何在技术层面上运作以及如何建立节点。
CGX Studio:What software will we use for this course?
CGX Studio:在学习这项技术时会用到什么软件?
Jordan Olson: So we will be using The Foundrys Nuke which is a node graph based compositing software. Nuke has used particles ever since version six which is a good five years ago. So pretty much any version of Nuke you should be able to follow a lot.
Jordan Olson:所以我们将使用The Foundrys Nuke,这是一个基于节点图的合成软件。自从版本以来,Nuke就一直在使用粒子,它在五年前是一个很好的产品。所以最好Nuke的任何版本你都应该能够去遵循。
CGX Studio:What is the final case result from this course?
CGX Studio:大家在学会这门技术最终会得到什么样的收获?
Jordan Olson:So this course assumes that you know a little bit about Nuke already and how to composite. And I am going to be taking you into the realm of Nuke particles. And also how to made gizmo which reusable toolsets. So you will be able to make tools and particle effects of you own that you can packaging take with you anywhere to any other studio or any other job.
Jordan Olson:假设你已经了解了Nuke以及如何进行合成。我将带你进入Nuke粒子领域。以及如何制作可重复使用的工具集的Gizmo。你将能够制作自己的工具和粒子效果,您可以随身携带去在任何其他工作室或任何其他工作中使用。
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