1. 让学生有感情的朗读课文
同学们上课,好,同学们请坐,各位同学,我们上节课学习了2和5的倍数特征,现在请同学们看黑板,黑板上的这些数哪些是2的倍数,哪些是5的倍数呢?出示:(16、24、99、156、350、12345、35410),那么2和5的倍数各有什么特征呢?请靠窗户那位女同学你来说说看,个位上的数是0、2、4、6、8的数是2的倍数,个位上是0或者5 的数是5的倍数,好,那老师想问问大家,你们知道哪几个是3的倍数呢?有谁知道?教室突然安静了下来,有难度了是不是,看来想要快速找到3的倍数,我们应该先了解3 的倍数有什么特征,那大家猜猜看,3的倍数有哪些特征呢?
老师听到有同学说,尾数是2、5、7、9的时候属于3 的倍数,那到底对不对呢,我们先来验证一下,如果尾数是2的话,12是3的倍数没有问题,那么22呢?对了,老师听到第一排的这位女生说22肯定不是3的倍数,那说明我们用尾数2来判断3的倍数特征是片面的,那么其它数字呢?请同学们看黑板,老师在黑板中一次写出几个3的倍数,3、6、9、12、15、18、21、24、27、30……这个时候你有没有发现,其实3的倍数,尾数或者说个位数上是0~9这10个数字都有可能出现,只观察各位上的数,有没有规律可循?咱们接着来看……
请同学们拿出准备好的小棒,数出16根小棒摆放到桌面上,好了,看同学们都摆放整齐了,现在我们知道16是2的倍数,不是3的倍数,这究竟是什么原因呢?大家一起动手来分一分你桌面上的小棒,如果2根2根的分,是不是正好分完对吧,那3根3根的分呢?同学们说剩余了1根,如果把16根小棒分成10根和6根,3 根3根分的时候是不是正好余下十位上的那根小棒呢?所以这次大家明白16为什么不是3的倍数了吧。我们接着再取出24根小棒,大家来3根3根的分一分,你发现了什么,老师请第一小组派一名代表来向全班汇报,就你了,你来说,好,请坐,他说正好分完没有多余小棒,说明24是3的倍数,为什么呢,个位上4不是3的倍数,结果24就是3的倍数,原来探究3的倍数特征不能看个位数或者是十位数,而是需要看整体,那么整体有什么规律可循吗?
有没有在摆小棒的过程中注意到,最后有余数的不是3的倍数,对于一个数来说,它的十位和个位,3个3个分完剩余的相加也就是合起来的数又继续分对不对,那老师在大屏幕中又展示出几个数字你来判断一下,138、450,跟着老师一起写出,百位1 十位3 个位8,多余的小棒之和为12,是3的倍数,最后正好分完,那450呢,老师请一位同学上黑板演示,大家来看他的结果正确吗,4 5 0=9,正好分完,非常好,现在你找到判断3 的倍数的方法了吗?各个位上的数的和是3 的倍数,同学们非常聪明,已经找到规律了,那我们一起来验证一下这个结论是不是满足所有情况呢?同学们完成大屏幕中的这几个基本习题,111、222、333、444、555、999,快速说出它们属于不属于3的倍数?是,都是吗,对都是3的倍数,是不是发现我们都不需要计算就快速准确判断出来了,很好,课程上到这时间已经差不多了……
Teaching aims
1. Students are able to write a passage about_______.
2. Students can gather information about ______ and write it with proper structure.
3. Enhance their awareness of teamwork spirit.
Teaching key point
Students are able to write a passage about _______.
Teaching difficult point
Enhance their awareness of teamwork spirit.
Teaching procedure
Step 1 leading-in
Arrange a brain storm to review some words phrases and sentences about _____and write them down.
Step 2 Pre-writing
1. Work in groups and exchange as many ideas as possible.
2. Students work on their own to collect the ideas which they think valuable.
3. explain the writing structure.
Step 3 while-writing
Write the writing quickly for 10 minutes without worrying about grammar and words or punctuation.
Work in groups and discuss the writing of their group members.
Modify their writing.
Step 4 Post-writing
Students share their writing and choose the good ones as the model essays
Step 5 Summary
Conclude what students have learned and mention the emotional aim.
Step 6 Homework
Write a writing about another______.
Teaching Plan
Teaching aims
Students can know the new words: tall, strong, short, thin, friendly, quiet.
Students could use these new words to describe a person.
To emphasize the importance of friendship.
Teaching key point
Students could know the pronunciation and meaning of the new words and use it freely in life.
Teaching difficult point
The pronunciation of "thin" and "quiet".
Teaching procedure
Step 1 Warming up
Sing a song of "My friend" (套“找朋友”的调调/如果不会唱歌可以变成歌谣/如果无法找到和本堂课主题相关,可以准备个万能歌曲,起到热身目的就好。)
Step 2 Presentation
Pick 4 students who are respectively "tall and strong", "short and thin", "friendly" and "quiet" to come to the stage and teach the new words.
Step 3 Practice
Play a guessing game "Who is____?"
T: Who is tall in our class?
Let the students to point the person with the feature.
Play a "Stand up" game
Every students with the feature would stand up when the teacher call up the new words and see who stands fastest.
Step 4 Consolidation
Introduce your friend
Divide students into 4 groups with each group chooses one students to be introduced.
select the best one.
Step 5 Summary
Students summarize and teacher supplements and emphasize the importance of friendship.
Step 6 Homework
Introduce friends to parents.