

The Colorful Town of Guizhou, located at the core area of the Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone in the east of Guiyang city, capital of Guizhou Province, with a 20-minute-ride by subway from downtown, will hold the "City Escape Plan" activity on August 20 and 21.



There will be seven exciting events, including the debut of the Guizhou flag football league match, hip-hop dancing carnival for children, urban camping, trunk fair, bonded online shopping, etc., all making a good reason for city dwellers to go for such a refreshing escape.



As night falls and the stars shine, the town will provide much fun. Come to the camping site, enjoy the ethnic-style drum tower showering in the moonlight and count the stars on the vast lawn; drive over to the trunk fair and youll be dazzled by those glittering specialties, tasteful goodies, and aromatic handmade coffee; feel the vibe of the energetic hip-hpp dancing carnival for children; join in the first Guizhou flag football league and experience the unique charm of "sports tourism".

夜幕降临、繁星闪耀,来到多彩城市露营生活空间,在民族风的鼓楼前看皎月,在广阔的草坪上数星星;带上爱车,加入多彩后备箱集市,琳琅满目的贵州好物、引爆味蕾的特色小吃、芳香四溢的手作咖啡;让活力四射、热情洋溢的少儿街舞嘉年华,倡导健康生活,引领时尚潮流;在贵州首届腰旗橄榄球联赛,感受“体育 旅游”的独特魅力。


Come for a relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of the city with your friends at this weekend and soothe your soul!


Photos provided by the Colorful Town of Guizhou

Reporter: Chen Jingxiong

Editor: Wang Ziyi Hu Rui

Senior Editor: Wang Luyao

