May Day:n.国际劳动节; 五一国际劳动节Vacation time has been the subject of fierce debate in china, particularly since 2007, when the country abolished the long may day "golden week" holiday and replaced it with three shorter holidays spread throughout the year. 带薪假期一直是中国社会的热议话题,特别是2007年以来讨论就更加激烈,当时中国取消了五一的“黄金周”假期,取而代之的是三个较短的小长假 ,下面我们就来说一说关于英语MayDay的意思关于节日的?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

May Day:n.国际劳动节; 五一国际劳动节。Vacation time has been the subject of fierce debate in china, particularly since 2007, when the country abolished the long may day "golden week" holiday and replaced it with three shorter holidays spread throughout the year. 带薪假期一直是中国社会的热议话题,特别是2007年以来讨论就更加激烈,当时中国取消了五一的“黄金周”假期,取而代之的是三个较短的小长假。