1) URead 体验英语:
1. How Do Employees Steal Time While at Work?
2. Time Theft: Top 7 Ways Employees Steal Time
3. Are Your Employees Stealing Time?
4. They admit they have "no hard evidence" that the workers abuse their time at work.
5. Employee time theft is on the rise—find out how people are stealing time.
6. The company found that one-third of workers fudge their time, whether they’re clocking in earlier or later than scheduled, goofing off or taking extended breaks.
逐条体验完毕这些英语,你是否“忐忑”地问:难不成上班“偷懒”就是简单的英语:to steal time at work, or to abuse time at work, or 名词:time theft at work?还有to fudge your time at work? fudge(far-dge)
2) UTalk 用英语说英语:
不过,to steal time就不能说成中文“偷懒”了,要“说”成英语:
Well, when we say you are stealing time at work, we can also say you fudge your time, you abuse your time,you goof off.
When we say you steal time, you goof off, yoy abuse your time,you fudge time,
we mean:
1. you are paid for work you have not actually done, or
2. You are paid for time you were not actually at work
不要用中文“偷懒”去记steal time (at work),要用上面的英语来记,既记英语,又把英语用起来!